

Moose -tableware collection for Mäntsälän Yrityskehitys

Mäntsälän Yrityskehitys approached with a wish of personalized custom made coffee mugs. They wanted to stand out and remain in customers’ minds with a strong brand even in a coffee room.

The design process started with their own logo and colour scheme. A tri-dimensional logo and footprints of a moose on the backside of the mug were added. The fun uniquely carved and painted footsteps continue on the plates as well. A secure ice breaker in coffee table with a customer is to ask where has the moose wandered. The ceramic tableware has been handmade in Helsinki.

 If you have an equivalent demand for personalized ideas to reinforce your business identity do not hesitate to contact so we can design products to meet your personal needs.

Photos: Reetta Nissinen